

I was 6, it must’ve been a cold afternoon, its 2014, and I am watching emmy review her nemunemune candy in her cold toned white room, in Japanese, I was shocked at first, because this emmy is not the person I used to watch

Now I look back with happiness, my stomach loosens whenever I remember, I never knew this back when I was 5-6yrs old, but, she would make the biggest impact on my life.

She was emmymade, a youtuber who is known for her excellent food reviews, that covered the mundane, and the crazy, she ate dirt cookies, mre’s, penis shaped geoducks, she is a flower, a tulip made from steel, her stomach could not care wether her food was canned or not

She was born on 1977 in united states, she is 45 and has a lovely family, she first started out in japan in 2010 after buying a candy kit, and she sson started making reviews of food that people sent across the world.

Emmy is also known for being one of the main figures of the late 2000s-early 10s nemunemune trend, she and many others such as japanstuffchannel

She also helped teach people the importance of food, and she also taught her followers
She bought youtube her palate, her smiles, her love of food, and her beauty

I cannot forget how I used to watch her youtube videos on my old laptop that required pluggin in every time I had to use it for a thing, I was mystified by her warmth, and her hair!, I never knew you could have that type of hair when I was young, all I knew back then was that the hair of a woman is rarely up, she broke my mind and shattered the border that hindered my thoughts and beliefs.

She also taught me what lied beyond the walls of my complex and the borders of the state where I grew up, she taught me that soldiers don’t eat fresh stuff, and that there is such a thing as a gigantic head of a sunflower.

She also showed me the things that people could pack, can, cook, with just water, sugar, etc.

She is a woman, who made it out, through the blaze, and through the blasts of coldness, she told us how to live in thick times, and thin times, and to do, and to not stop it

see you on the other side!


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