
Broken Onigiri

June 10, 2024

It began at 2am, most of the early parts are covered by a mesh screen of forgetfulness. all i can remember is that i was planning to buy some coffee, and around 3am i started getting ready, a mix of oils in one bottle dropped onto my hands and were spread on my face, which were then wiped and washed off, youtube shorts ran in the background, as i rinsed my body, the budget for the day had been decided on before i stepped in the shower, clothes were picked after i stepped out.

I got my slippers and went to the outdoors, which was not too far in terms of appearance, to the night that came before it. it was deserted, the normally bustling streets of my neighborhood had barely any signs of life.

I walked to the tricycle parking area, thinking about taking a ride to go to , I was about to get in until I changed my mind. it was too full for me, so I walked to the coffee shop next to it.

I was surprised by the fact that it was open at this hour, when other shops aren't, the other shops don't open until it’s late in the morning, so the sight of it being open was very bewildering.

Anyways, I went in, ordered an iced cappuccino, went up to the loft, drank it while playing that nyan cat game, and went out.

My bag broke multiple times, once when i was using it to wipe the water from the condensation on my cup (idk why i wasn’t using the end of my shirt) and when i was walking down the sidewalk on 7/11.

Going to 7/11 was easy, but getting in was hard. I am bad when it comes to being next to someone, so it took me a while to put my foot through the glass door.

After some minutes passed, I finally got something, a origini. I went to the cashier and handed him the money, and as i was about to get out i noticed that not one, but two people will be extremely close to me, so i browsed the aisle until one of them was gone. It took a while but I managed to get out after a few minutes.

While i was browsing around, i tried to open my origini by pulling the tab on the center of the packaging, it didn’t go that nice, it was hard to open, and when i got out, i tried opening it some more, but it deconstructed itself

When I got home, I opened it and put it on a plate, because I couldn't salvage it at this point. It made me slightly mad, but, slowly i realized that it’s a bit funny After eating, I took multiple pictures on my mom’s phone to post, but, unfortunately, she deleted them.

Anyways, I don't have much to say anymore.

see you on the other side!


xx_halfempty_xx ©2020-forever