
Kimberella: microbe-eating ballerinas

Hey guys, ralf here, I was surfing around the web today, and I researched about the ediacaran biota instead of the slovin’s formula for my upcoming exams tomorrow, and, while researching, I remembered an amazing little creature called kimbebrella, and I really wanted to talk about it today, so, here goes!

1. Kimberella is a malleable blob

Kimberella is a tiny lil blob that lived on the sea floor, who ate microbes and other stuff, and in order to move around the ediacaran sea floor, kimberella had to be blob-like and flexible, which meant its shell is not a hard one, unlike most shelled things that respirate and move, kimberella ‘s shell is similar to that of a sea turtle egg, it is soft, yet, unlike the eggs, the main material of kimberella shells, aggregated sclerites, can easily de raised and lowered, moved to the north, to the south, to the east and left, etc. kimberella's shell can grow thicker as it matures, which makes it harder for the kimberellas to maneuver their blobby little selves.

2. It lives in shallow areas

Kimberellas are known to have lived in waters that are 10 feet or less, this may have been due to the fact that microbes lived in sunny areas, and, as mentioned earlier, these babies use these microbes to move, which probably caused the kimberellas to move to these shallow places

3. Kimberellas were ballerinas

Kimberellas were fashionistas during their stay in earth's seas, they has little frilly tutus that were actually gills, these gills were retracted into their malleable shells during sandstorms to protect the kimebrella from suffocating, these tutus were often wide, which meant that kimberellas either used their shell as a platform for muscles or they sucked at breathing, either way, we can certainly say that it is one of the most iconic fashions of the entirety of the earth’s history, some may argue that their mini tutus are as iconic as the microscopic LV bag or Britney’s jean dress

Anyway, that’s all I can say about these little fashionable bebes.

see you on the other side!


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