
Life update #2!

March 22, 2022

Today has been very horrible, Everything went so wrong, I just cant choose words to describe it, first of all… My headphone’s charging port has been KNOCKED OUT! Im not even kidding, I slept with my headphones next to my foot while it was charging, and somehow, my foot managed to kick it so hard, it destroyed the port.

I only found out about it when my sister pointed it out to me after checking it at five in the morning when I was about to sleep. how fun.

Then, i had to do a BOATLOAD of things that I’ve been putting off for AGES, all of which were science, like, I love science, I love biology in particular, and I have always gravitated towards it as a child, and grew up with scishow and deep look. However, the amount of it was so big, so COLOSSAL, I felt my already worn out and waning passion crumble, its like the documents and projects were trying to test my love of science.

I managed to do all of them, but it was so draining, so unfun, and so boring. And then, for some reason, after doing everything I was supposed to do, i just felt this void in me, that was growing exponentially, that was telling me “you haven’t done enough”, “go do them.” It was like an endless spam of notifications telling you, constantly, that work is not done, and will never be done.

It was like an endless spam of notifications telling you, constantly, that work is not done, and will never be done. Anyways, this day has been very crazy, and I do hope that tomorrow wont be that bad. See you on the other side!

xx_halfempty_xx ©2020-forever