
a drop of rain

a view through my weird window

Hai beech!!!! Iz mee, the kid who ruins everything!!!! So, it was super rainy today, and the rain came down from the sky loudly, desperately trying to get exposure despite none of us wanting to hear whatever she has to say whilst twirling, dancing to the rims of windows around the neighborhood, the sound of rain echoed through the thick trees, whilst the water brews with the elements to for a signature scent, leaving behind a classic smell, one must have had to pair it with some tea, of course, nothing ever goes wrong when you pair these two classics together, don’t be surprised by the change of the air, it will be more frequent.

a cup of tea
a cup of tea

Anyways, I decided to make some oatmeal and tea, coz im a fattass, whilst the rain casted upon a dark shade on the building, I picked some austrailian harvest oatmeal that previously had some Chinese lettering on it, how ironic.

aside from that, I decided to make some tea, since im a pleb, I used lipton’s, the tea’s smell echoed through the room, jk lol it was very quiet, although it did give off enough to tell me that this is tea that im brewing, not ‘vanilla’ milk.

As I desperately try to go through my head for jokes while realizing that I could only utter them at times of insignificance and then proceed to lament on the floor, my tea brews at the other side of the house. Anyways, heres some tree pics:

some nice trees
the trees, glazed and bejeweled with droplets

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